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Your Guide to Moving With Pets
Everyone on our team here at a fresh space loves animals of all kinds so when it’s time to move, we want to make sure that our clients know the best way to prepare for moving with pets! Much of it is planning ahead so when the time comes, moving with pets is smooth and easy for both you and for them! Grab our Moving With Pets Checklist at the bottom of the post!
Moving With Pets
6-8 Weeks Ahead
- Schedule a vet appointment to get any needed shots, medications, and a general checkup.
- Ensure you have any certificates needed such as a rabies certificate for cats or dogs, as well as their medical records (we recommend saving to your docs but also having a printed version).
- If your pet doesn’t travel well, that vet visit is the time to make sure you have any meds needed to calm them down.
- Make sure your pet has proper identification such as a tag, and ideally is microchipped with all of your contact information.
- Evaluate your travel gear such as crates, leashes, etc.
- Order or purchase any travel items needed (check out our ideas on LTK & Amazon!) such as carriers, travel water dishes, litter box, etc.
- If you are staying overnight during your travels, make sure your lodging is pet friendly for the type of pet you have (we learned this the hard way traveling with a cat but the Air BnB only allowed dogs).
- If you are flying – be sure to check all regulations and requirements.

Moving With Pets
3-4 Weeks Ahead
- Schedule a grooming visit if needed for a nail trim and bath for a week or so prior to your move.
- Schedule boarding (or another safe space like a friends house) for your pet during the pack & load process if a safe place in the home isn’t available to you
- Research a vet and/or boarding facility in your new city to transfer records and have available to you upon arrival
1-2 Weeks Ahead
- Create your pet travel kit with food (we like to pre-portion in ziploc bags), meds, grooming, litter, etc. so everything is in one place (we suggest a large, flat bottom tote or a good size bin with a lid and handles).
- Add your vet records to the travel kit.
- Start acclimating your pet to a new crate or carrier or harness.
- Take your pet to the groomers or give your dog a bath and nail trim, your cat a groom and nail trim, and any grooming needed for other pets.
Moving With Pets
1-2 Days Ahead
- Set up your pets safe place in the house if they can’t be elsewhere – we usually recommend a guest bath or an empty closet – with essentials like a litter box, food/water, a bed, etc.
- For cats, consider a Feliway plug in or Rescue Remedy to reduce anxiety.
- Place a large sign on the door telling movers not to enter and that pets are inside.
- Review your pet travel kit to make sure everything is all set for the move.
- Gather up all other pet related items to be packed together in one box to either travel with you or mark clearly PET SUPPLIES and OPEN FIRST

Moving With Pets
Packing & Unloading
- Keep your pet secured away from the commotion.
- Keep dogs on leash when going outside and do not allow them free reign in the house - even the best dog can become protective of their home and there is the chance of them being stepped on or tripped over - or the worst case - getting out and getting lost.
- Designate one person to be in charge of the pets to make sure extra time and attention is spent with them and they have all they need.
- Make sure your pet travel kit is loaded in the car and not packed in a box!
During the Move
- Ensure everything they need is with you for the transition time.
- Do not let them loose if there are any open doors or access points.
- Use the meds from the vet to keep them calm!
Moving With Pets
Upon Arrival to the New Home
- Secure them in a confined location such as a guest bath or bedroom.
- Put a sign on the door that says KEEP OUT and PET INSIDE or something similar.
- Reunite them with the toys, bedding, etc. and give them extra treats and love.
- Do not let them out in the house until the movers are gone and the commotion has settled.
- Acclimate them slowly to their new surroundings.
- Update their microchips and ID tags with the new address and any new contact info.

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Moving with Pets
Some pets love to travel and will happily bound into the vehicle and be delighted the whole time (looking at you, golden retrievers!) but many will find it really stressful especially cats, guinea pigs, or birds. Planning ahead for your move is critical especially when it comes to our furry (or not so furry) friends! Final tip: if you are flying or have very challenging pets, you may want to consider a pet transport company which can manage that whole process for you.
Check out our recommended pet organizing products on Amazon & LTK!