Thinking of burying a St. Joseph statue? Go green with EcoJoe!


Liz Jenkins

One of the women I’m on twitter with (@cindylinsf) sells a product called “EcoJoe”.  For some reason I always thought it was something to do with hemp, t-shirts or coffee, never having actually looked at her website.  She’s fun to tweet with, is a home stager and that was about it. But a recent tweet sent me over there because I realized it had to do with real estate.  She sells biodegradable St. Joseph statues to bury in your yard.  You know, the myth, hyped-up rumor, idea that if you plant a plastic St. Joseph statue in your yard, it will sell your house faster.

I’d heard of this over the years – it was pretty big in the 90’s but it seems to be making a comeback.  I’m of the eco joe packagethought that it can’t hurt.  A positive mind-set is always a good thing but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Anyway – I always thought the idea of putting plastic in the ground was not very healthy for the environment not to mention kind of superstitious (which I’m not).  People won’t dig them up – I mean, really – who could remember exactly where they stuck it? And seriously, how can this really work?  But Cindy Lin, EcoJoe founder, came up with such a cool idea that I had to share it.  And no, I’m not making any commissions or getting any kickbacks, I just thought this was pretty nifty.  Like the statues of old, the EcoJoe St. Joseph statue is made from clay – and the best part is that when it decomposes – it doesn’t leave any toxins behind. Even the packaging is recycled and printed with soy ink.  Where can you go wrong?

Our family is very environmentally conscious.  We recycle, we compost, we live in a tiny house, etc.  I cringe when I see disposable water bottles and plastic packaging.  So this product not only cracked me up but it made me think, hmmm, what a great idea to combine something people already want to do with something that won’t hurt the planet.

I just wanted to share this – and if you are an agent who believes in this practice or a home seller looking for that little “edge”, check this out:  EcoJoe.  And for those of us who are “green” or looking for a way to show some green creds – this could be a sweet way to start.

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