What Is Clutter? It May Not Be What You Think!

Defining clutter: a view from a professional organizer. Your guide to better understanding clutter to make it easier to declutter and simplify.
The Key to finding Clarity and Focus When You’re Feeling Stuck

Recently, for some reason, I found myself feeling in a bit of a rut. Kind of lost my spark and was having trouble focusing on getting things done. My husband laughs at me because he says that even on my really bad days, I’m still more productive than most people on their best.
refresh 2020 – 5 day challenge

Don’t let another year go by wishing you were organized or you just had your papers under control or living with a terrible closet. Start out the new year feeling like you can conquer the world!
Mindful Gifts for the Holidays

I love the holiday season for so many reasons! It is magical to be able to spend time with family and friends, work slows down just a touch where I can have some time to regroup for the new year, and it’s an awesome time to take stock of what I have and what I am doing with my time.
Got $20 in my pocket…getting organized for thrift or consignment shopping.

Recently I attended the NAPO National Conference which was pretty awesome. But one thing threw me off: business casual clothing. It’s not really my thing. But being on the Conference Committee, I kind of needed to up my wardrobe game in that department.
Follow through…part way is just not enough

I recently got a facebook message from my cousin asking if I’d mailed a check for something I had purchased from her shop when we were visiting out of town. I said, of course I had mailed it! I mean, I’m organized.
‘Where The Fack Is My Pack’ continues its journey . . . .

Delanie over at Write At The Moment had a serious ‘what the . . . ? ‘ moment recently when she unearthed an UNUSED dog backpack she’d had over 5 years. While, as a professional organizer, this doesn’t really surprise me (oh my, if I shared some of the things I find with clients!)
The Story Of Stuff: timely and fascinating video about, well, stuff
I came across this video “The Story Of Stuff” on twitter (thanks @organizergal), and thought it was just terrific. I often talk to people (whether they want to or not) about how much stuff there is in the world, in their homes and in their lives. Most of my job is helping people either get […]
feeling out of sorts
My husband recently took a new position with a great company called Conservation Services Group. They do home energy audits and other energy related things, and recently took a contract with TVA to work with local energy companies. This is all great – we’ve closed his inspection company and he’s full time with CSG now. […]
less is more . . . and breathing is good
I work with a lot of clients who have trouble remembering things, or misplace their stuff. I always tell them that it is pretty normal to do this – even us <professionals have had this happen. But the longer I do this, and the more I streamline my life, the more I realize that the […]