It’s time for Back To School: Get organized now for a great year!

Back to school organizing is not really what you may want to think about in July but in our neck of the woods, school starts at the beginning of August so if we don’t get our act together now, the first day will sneak up on us and we will be frantically shopping at Target at midnight buying binders and Sharpies!
And the papers never stop….

You know that flood of papers you get pretty much daily? The mail, the bills, the free newspaper you pick up, the catalogs, the kids
permission slips & homework, the wedding invitation, the coupon flyers, etc.
3 simple tips to having a better day

The times I’m late & frazzled are the times when I think I can get so much more done than I have time for. Just one more load of wash, one more email, tweet an oh so witty observation, run just one quick errand before I have to be somewhere.
Thinking of consigning your kids stuff?

It’s that time of year again…kids consignment sales are popping up all around my neck of the woods. I love these sales because it means that I can get clothes, books & toys for my daughter at a fraction of the retail prices in usually nearly new condition.
Don’t just stand there!

A few months ago, I got really irritated with my husband. He put something in the microwave to heat up and then just, well, stood there. Waiting for it. I just wanted to say, ‘you know, it’s not going
anywhere and while you are waiting, why not fill the dog dish?’
Organizing at Faithful Provisions: Home Schooling (part 1)

Kelly, at the fantastic frugal living site, Faithful Provisions, and I have teamed up to bring readers all sorts of organizing tips for several areas in the home including a home school set up, a home office, the kitchen and others.
Going Paperless in the Kitchen…Guest Post on Faithful Provisions

My last post about going green mentioned going paperless in the kitchen. There are some simple steps you can take to do this yourself. Our household hasn’t bought paper towels in over 8 months. Saved us a bunch of money, and it really wasn’t that hard to do.
Organizing lessons From The Nashville Flood of 2010
Many of you may have heard of the “great Nashville flood” we had in our area recently. While I was personally very lucky (only lost some plants and had some water in the crawl space), there were hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Middle Tennessee that lost possessions, houses, and in some cases, their lives.
Organizing & 2 Hours . . .
Hiring anyone to come in and do a project in your home or business can sometimes be a difficult decision. You ask yourself if it’s worth it, how long will it take and especially, how much it will cost.
Like with like … that’s all I’m sayin’
I’ve been organizing for such a while now that I sometimes worry that what I’m harping on explaining to my clients is too simplistic or should be obvious. Then I realize, usually from either the glazed look in their eyes or the look of awe and wonder, that yes, I need to explain that we group items together that are alike.