Mindful Gifts for the Holidays

I love the holiday season for so many reasons! It is magical to be able to spend time with family and friends, work slows down just a touch where I can have some time to regroup for the new year, and it’s an awesome time to take stock of what I have and what I am doing with my time.
Six tips for organizing holiday decorations!

Well, the holidays are upon us and my guess is that by now you’ve hauled out all of your boxes and bags full of ornaments, lawn decor, lights, wrapping paper and more! How did that go for you?
Organizing your living room & holiday decor: I’m on Pottery Barn and Brentwood Home Page

While I’ve been super busy lately, as many of us have been, two recent blog contributions I’ve made, on the Pottery Barn blog and the Brentwood Home Page website, were posted so I thought I’d share!
Getting ready for the onslaught of holiday toys? Organize now!

Are you gearing up for the holiday influx of new toys for the kids? Already have gifts stashed here and there? Well, right now is the time to clear out the old and make way for the new!
After the holidays…declutter your decorations!

Now that the holidays are behind us, let’s talk about your holiday decor! While I’m personally not a big fan of
decorating for the holidays, a lot of my clients are and I’ve done my share of organizing ornaments, spray foamed trees, wreaths, wrapping paper & bows, angels, garland, and lights.
Please don’t get me footie pajamas for Valentine’s day. Really. Don’t.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t like a lot of ‘stuff’. But when you get to know me better, you’ll realize that I’m also not a big fan of holidays that encourage the buying of a lot of unnecessary ‘stuff’.
Friends Don’t Give Friends Clutter For Christmas
An off the cuff tweet has morphed into a full blown post about clutter and the holidays! In fact, my tweet “Friends don’t give friends clutter for Christmas” was Rubbermaid’s “Tweet of the Week“! I was at TJ Maxx today looking for some tights to go with a dress for an upcoming holiday party and […]
“how-to” make a cool Easter scavenger hunt . . . what the easter bunny did!
Today I was awakened at 6:15AM which is well before my usual, desired Sunday morning wake up time but I could hear my daughter exclaiming over what the Easter Bunny did! In the past, she basically finds a basket filled with goodies and goes on a sugar rampage – this year was a bit different. […]