How To Unpack After A Move Like A Professional Organizer
Moving to a new home can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when it comes to unpacking. Whether you’re moving to the vibrant neighborhoods of Nashville or settling down in a suburban area like Franklin or Brentwood, the process of unpacking can feel like a daunting task. But don’t worry! With the right strategies in place, you can turn what feels like a chaotic experience into an organized and efficient process. As a professional organizer, I’m here to share expert tips for unpacking after a move, plus some pre-move tips to make the whole process easier.
Moving is one of the biggest stressors of people’s lives and unpacking after your move is one of the more challenging aspects! We’ve been moving and unpacking clients for nearly 20 years and we’ve seen it all from absolute chaos to smooth sailing. A lot depends on the prep and planning on the front end so while this post is about unpacking, let’s talk about some of the work that can be done before the move to make the unpacking part so much better. You can skip over that if you’ve already landed in your new home, but if not – this could be a game changer.

Unpack after a Move
Prior to your move:
- Edit out anything you don't want or need in your new space - you don't need to pay to move stuff you won't use. Plus it's good to be delighted when you open a box, not annoyed!
- Create a 'stays with house' spot and clearly label this in a bin or drawer or cabinet - this ensures remotes and parts and manuals don't end up at your new house!
- Pack like you are going to an Air BnB for a week so you've got what you need in the interim
- Make sure to set aside all the essentials like chargers, medications, glasses, pet supplies, kids favorite toys, etc. so they don't get packed up.
- Create an 'open first' box with clean sheets, coffee maker and coffee, etc. so you have these first thing.
- Take photos of all of your electronics hookups (and labeling your cords & cables can be super helpful).
- Use labeled Ziploc bags for small parts and either bin together in a 'parts' box or use packing tape to attach to the items the belong to (like beds or tables).
- Label all boxes not only with the contents but also what room they are going to (not where they are coming from).
- Check with your insurance company to ensure you have coverage for your items during the move - movers insurance is pretty minimal and most homeowners insurance will have this as an option.
Pro Tip: make sure the movers don’t block walk ways or fill the closet when loading into the house – try to get boxes in aisles with access to drawers and cabinets and don’t let them stack boxes higher than you can safely reach!
Unpack after a Move
Professional organizers approach things a bit differently than a traditional unpacking company as our focus isn’t just getting things out of boxes and putting them away. We really think through placement and zones and usage as well as strategic organizing products and materials to make spaces function and look great. So approaching it like an organizer means ideally you’ll end up with your spaces really working for you and minimal clutter. It can take more time to do it our way but you’ll be much happier in the end!
First - if possible - gather supplies:
- folding tables
- post it notes (our favorite super sticky yellow ones)
- Sharpies
- box cutter - we love these retractable Slice ceramic versions
- contractor grade trash bags & clear bags (clear for packing paper, black for trash)
- our team also loves pop up leaf bag holders to hold the trash bags!

How to Unpack like a Professional Organizer
- Use your box cutter to open boxes rather than a knife or scissors to avoid damage to the contents.
- Carefully unwrap items, noting if any pieces appear to be damaged and taking a photo for documentation and potential insurance claim.
- Open items over the box or near a surface - if something falls out from a distance, it will most likely break.
- Empty all boxes completely and unwrap every piece of paper so no small items are overlooked (movers will wrap small items up in paper that can get tossed - often critical parts!).
- Group like with like when laying them out - create zones and groups as you go.
- In closets, using the closet rods for sorting & organizing is great but if you have any garment racks, these can be really helpful to have on hand.
- Edit through the items if needed - you may find things you didn't actually want or need - weed these out before putting anything away.
- Start placement once you have all of that group unpacked - we usually don't start putting much away until everything is out of the boxes and we know what we are working with.
Unpack after a Move
Do not put things away as you unpack unless you are very sure that’s where it belongs. Generally, things like plates, cups, cutlery, etc. make sense to put away as you find them but things like small appliances, pantry items, etc. do not until you know the full volume. Then you can think about placement. Your new space is usually not the same so you have to rethink how it will lay out.
Tips from a professional organizer
- Place your organizing products such as tension dividers/drawer organizers/knife docks in drawers, then place the contents. For shelves and cabinets, filling your bins and baskets before placing is more effective.
- Measure your shelves and cabinets and wall spaces before purchasing organizing products! You want to make sure they will fit and work for the space.
- Queue up art, decor, books, etc. in one zone so you can 'shop' from these once you get the basics sorted out.
- Break down boxes as you go and bag packing paper - place in area such as garage for later pick up or disposal *you can often give these away for free on Facebook Marketplace or your local Buy Nothing group.
Pro tip: always close your box cutter and your Sharpies every single time – you don’t want to take a chance of getting hurt or permanent marker on something! We also use a fanny pack to keep our gear corralled. Check out our Amazon storefront for our fave organizing supplies & organizing products!

It’s going to look worse before it looks better! Remember: every item you own will be unpacked and laid out somewhere in sight! That’s a lot of stuff! The unpack can feel overwhelming to you, though our team is ready to go and will guide the process if you need us. We may encourage you to hydrate, take a break, or snack. Self care is important!
Why Hire a Professional Organizer for Unpacking in Nashville?
If you are moving to Nashville and feeling overwhelmed by the thought of unpacking, our team at a fresh space can make the process seamless. Here are some reasons why hiring a professional may be the best choice:
- Expertise: A professional organizer knows the most efficient ways to unpack and organize your belongings, saving you time and energy. Plus we can address multiple spaces at a time with our team approach.
- Personalized Systems: We can set up storage and organization systems tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that your new home is functional and clutter-free.
- Stress Reduction: Moving is stressful enough without having to tackle the unpacking alone. A professional can take the burden off your shoulders and ensure everything is in its right place. We can also manage more than just the unpacking – our handymen can hang art or put together furniture and our off site team purchase organizing products, handles donations, and can coordinate services so you can focus on settling in.
- Maximized Space: Many homes in Nashville have smaller storage spaces, especially in areas like downtown or the Gulch. An organizer can help you maximize your space and make the most of every square inch.
Drop us a line to get unpacked in an organized and efficient fashion – and make your move the easiest ever!