How To Declutter Your Closet



fresh space organized closet

How To Declutter Your Closet

It’s spring which means spring cleaning is on everyone’s radar! One of our favorite spring cleaning tasks is decluttering your closet as this is one of the spaces that can really get out of control. Closets are hard working spaces so here are our best tips to declutter your closet. 

Declutter 101

How To Declutter Your Closet

There are many great reasons to declutter your closet but the main reason is that most people only wear 20% of what they own which means there is a lot not being touched – and if you can’t find what you need, odds are you’ll rebuy things you already own which causes even more clutter! Decluttering your closet means you can really see what you’ve got and your clothes have room to breathe. 

Making the time to declutter your closet...

Blocking out the time to get it done right is critical! Often people will go buy some pretty hangers, bins and baskets and try to stuff everything in but that isn’t organizing. The first step to organizing is to edit out the things that don’t belong in a space. When it comes to decluttering a closet, you’ll need to block out a good chunk of time to make it happen. 

organized closet for seasonal clothing swap
organized closet
organized closet

The hard questions...

There are lots of decision to make!

Closets are one of the hardest spaces to declutter for many reason. Sometimes it’s that we have gained or lost weight and are hesitant to let go of things you could use. Sometimes it’s how much something cost when you bought it. Sometimes there are memories associated with the garments. 

Pro tip: don’t get caught on the cost something was originally – odds are good it’s not worth all that much now and it’s sunk cost meaning it’s already been spent. Hanging on to something won’t get that money back. 

Questions to ask when decluttering your closet:

  • when was the last time I wore this?
  • how do I feel when I have it on?
  • does it fit well? 
  • do I love the color/style?
  • would I buy this new in the store?

Pro tip: our lives and bodies change as we age so clothes that fit perfectly at one time in our life just don’t anymore and our needs shift as well. Don’t hang on to garments for a life you don’t lead or for a body they don’t suit.

What do I next?

What to do with the decluttered items:

gorgeous organized closet

Ready to declutter your closet?

If you are ready to declutter your closet – drop us a line! Closets are one of our sweet spots when it comes to organizing – we are here to help make your closet a place of your dreams!

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