Going green & getting organized with Chico Bags
ChicoBag Reusable Shopping Bags have been a long time favorite of mine. I’ve been using them for years to grocery shop, go to the farmers market, picnics, etc. I often get asked about them so I thought I’d do a post I could direct people to. What I love about them is:
Cell Phone Etiquette: Observations From A Mom
Did you know that 61% of people in the WORLD have cell phones? They probably have bad manners too (and don’t even know it). Is there hope for us? Yes. Michelle Cimino, author of “Cell Phone Etiquette, Observations from a Mom” has the humorous way to show you how to save face while keeping in touch.
Organizing lessons From The Nashville Flood of 2010
Many of you may have heard of the “great Nashville flood” we had in our area recently. While I was personally very lucky (only lost some plants and had some water in the crawl space), there were hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Middle Tennessee that lost possessions, houses, and in some cases, their lives.
To Garden or Not To Garden…That Is The Question (when selling)
I was consulting with a staging client last week, and she was lamenting that she wasn’t able to put in her tomatoes this year because they were selling the house.
YWCA Volunteer Project :: Toy Closet Completed!
Saturday, May 15th, 2010, a group of volunteers from NAPO Nashville and Hands On Nashville went to the YWCA Weaver Domestic Violence Shelter and spent the day organizing.
NAPO Nashville gives back…and I get to rumble in the toy closet!
If you know any Professional Organizers, you know we are all about helping other – or we wouldn’t be in this business. NAPO Nashville members are partnering with the YWCA this Saturday, May 15th, to help them achieve their goal of helping victims of domestic violence.
Want to update crappy formica countertops on a tight budget AND be eco-friendly? Check this out!
This post is courtesy of Dana Tucker of Bell & Tucker. Dana & I had coffee recently in downtown Franklin, and were chatting about how to make homes look great when they go on the market.
Organizing Tools On The Web
Allen from Jibidee did a great presentation at the NAPO 2010 Conference about organizing tools on the web. Thought I’d share his tips here:
Organizing Your Kids Starts With You…Guest Post By Miss-Organized
The following post is brought to you courtesy of Tracy Paye a.k.a. Miss-Organized. Tracy wrote this post recently and it really struck home with me which is why I’m sharing it with you.
Williamson County Free Shred & Medicine Disposal in April!
Keep Williamson Beautiful wants to help you keep your identity safe by providing a free shredding service to Williamson County Residents and bring any personal documents you have that can be used for identity theft.
Embrace Your Clutter. . .Release The Guilt
A lot of my clients have a lot of stuff. Some are really motivated to let things go and lighten up their life. They see the benefits in having fewer possessions weighing them down – less to maintain – less to clean. But some of my clients really do love their stuff.